Thursday, February 18, 2021

SAHRR stars round

 The fun has continued this week.  I like the wonky stars.  I placed them on the sides and used some extra 4 patches in between them plus some squares or strips, whatever it took to make the rows fit with the existing previous rounds I have completed.  

Plus we had some excitement this past week with an ice storm and power outages.  No snow.  Just ice rain and rain that froze when it hit the ground.  Lots of trees and/or branches down and power lines down.  My heart goes out to other areas of the country suffering much worse.  


  1. I like the colorful playfulness of your quilt - adding the wonky stars in like that was a great idea! Hope you have thawed out after that nasty storm!

    1. Thanks. I'm liking the freedom to bend the rules on this quilt along. I was only without power for 48 hours. It got very cold inside the house. You should have heard me cheering when the power came back on.
